File a complaint

Please complete the form below to register your complaint

Sometimes mistakes happen, and we understand how frustrating it can be. We have found that a simple miscommunication is one of the most common reasons for consumer complaints.

If you have experienced a problem with the service you have received from a member of the American Fair credit Council, we want to hear from you. Please take the opportunity to share your experience through our Complaints Management System. We will contact the member company, and encourage them to resolve the matter in a prompt and professional manner.

Please complete the form below to register your complaint

Sometimes mistakes happen, and we understand how frustrating it can be. We have found that a simple miscommunication is one of the most common reasons for consumer complaints.

If you have experienced a problem with the service you have received from a member of the American Fair credit Council, we want to hear from you. Please take the opportunity to share your experience through our Complaints Management System. We will contact the member company, and encourage them to resolve the matter in a prompt and professional manner.