Matt Well
Matt Well Partner The Herald Group

Matt Well combines extensive expertise in communications and issue advocacy with a unique understanding of how government interacts with today’s capital markets. As a founding partner of The Herald Group, Matt remains focused on a host of financial services and legal reform issues for coalition, association and corporate clients. Matt also specializes in online and traditional paid media development and planning. The rise of the 24/7 cable news cycle and the new media revolution have shifted the business of shaping public policy, and Matt is an expert in combining both traditional and new media tools and tactics.

Prior to co-founding The Herald Group, Matt served as Director of Public Affairs for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) during the most active period since the Commission’s establishment. In addition to serving as the principal spokesperson, Matt was responsible for developing the Commission’s internal and external communications programs and providing strategic counsel to the Chairman.

Matt previously served as the Director of Public Affairs and Field Operations for the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), Director of Communications and Issue Advocacy for the Republican Leadership Council (RLC) and as an aide to U.S. Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) in both his Senate office then on his 1996 Presidential campaign where he served as the Regional Field Director for Midwest.

Matt holds a Master of Business Administration from the Johns Hopkins University and Bachelor of Arts from the University of Kansas.